Are Your Gutters Ready For The Fall?

Some people hate to say ‘good bye’ to the Summer, some love the Fall. But, in any case, the new season is coming soon. And you should make sure your gutters is ready to face the Fall. You may ask what does this have to do with gutters? 

First of all, you need to make sure your gutters are not leaking.


Fascia Board (the one mounted at the point where the roof meets the outer walls of the house and is often called the Roofline) often may have some rot on the corners.


That will cause the water leakage inside the house.


Not to mention you won’t be happy with that, but you will also need to replace the exterior wall pretty soon. Not just a wall but also siding, drywall and more…

Also, make sure your gutters are clean and all the corners have a seal.

No leaves inside the gutters, no dirt or anything else that could block them. We recommend to check your gutters every 4-6 months to avoid troubles.